2024 Assistants Tournament Itinerary

welcome 1
welcome 2

Industry Events

2024 Field Research Day

August 21, 2024

Guelph Turfgrass Institute

Guelph, ON

This event is your opportunity to learn about the latest research and innovations in turfgrass management and network with industry professionals.

Click the button below for more details, and how to register!

OVTRF Golf Tournament

October 7, 2024

Rivermead Golf Club

Gatineau, QC

Join the OVTRF for their Golf Tournament For more details and to purchase tickets please click the details button!

OTRF Annual Golf Tournament

August 26, 2024

Rosedale Golf Club

Toronto, ON

Your attendance of the Annual OTRF Fundraising Tournament helps to support their work in funding turfgrass research. 

Help them put the FUN in FUNDRAISING!