Speaker Series

Times and session locations are subject to change. Please check back closer to the event for final schedule. 

Fallsview Conference Space

February 25 - Day 1 Schedule

Registration opens at 8am: We're Located in the Pre-function space before the Grand Hall Rooms. Coffee, water  and light snacks will be available.

Morning sessions and Awards Luncheon will take place in Grand Hall Rooms D & E.

Equipment Manager's morning sessions (open to all) will take place in Maple Room A&B.

Off Site Shop Tour: The Legends Golf Course Maintenance Tour will depart at 2:30pm sharp and will return between 4:30-5pm. Please confirm your interest by Jan 31. Departure location TBA.

Afternoon sessions: Grand Hall Room D&E and Maple Room A & B.

Assistant's Reception: Location TBA.

OGSA AGM: Maple Room A&B after the last session at 4:45pm.

Welcome SociALL - Shuttles will depart from the Hilton Lobby for the Niagara Parks Power Station beginning at 6:45pm.

Awards Luncheon
Welcome SociALL

CEC points are currently under review and will be allocated shortly.

February 26 - Day 2 Schedule

Day 2 Registration opens at 7:30am: We're Located in the Pre-function space before the Grand Hall Rooms.

CGSA AGM: Maple Room B, 8am-9am, prior to first sessions.

Breakfast available between 7:30am-9:30am: Hot breakfast buffet and coffee is in the pre-function space outside of the Grand Hall Rooms.

Day 2 Education session rooms: Grand Hall D. Grand Hall E. Maple Room A. Maple Room B.

Equipment Manager's morning sessions (open to all): Maple Room A.

Tradeshow: Grand Hall A, B, C.

Tradeshow Lunch between 12pm-2pm: Served on the Tradeshow Floor. Cash bar available.

Tradeshow Sessions: Grand Hall D (access through the tradeshow floor.)

Turf Care Party: Grand Hall E and Pre-function Space just outside of Room E.

Grand Hall D


9:00am - Chris Tritabaugh. Running a Major Tournament

Trade Show Supplier Sessions: 

10:00 am - Belchim Turf Canada - Billy Joe Carey & Paul Grotier

10:30am - BASF - Kyle Miller

11:00am - Syngenta - Matt Legg

11:30am - Envu - Sean Van Beurden

1:30pm - Turf Care - Don White

2:00pm - Nufarm - Rick Fletcher

Afternoon Education Session

2:30pm - Chris Tritibaugh & Micah Woods, Ph.D. - Members, Guests, Championships & OM246

Grand Hall E
Maple Room A
Turf Care Party

CEC points are currently under review and will be allocated shortly.

Conference Schedule - Feb 27

Day 2 Registration opens at 8am: We're Located in the Pre-function space before the Grand Hall Rooms.

Breakfast available between 8am-10pm: Hot breakfast buffet and coffee is in the pre-function space outside of the Grand Hall Rooms.

Day 3 education session rooms: Grand Hall D. Grand Hall E. Maple Room A. Maple Room B.

Women's Networking Breakfast: Maple Room B

Equipment Manager's morning sessions (open to all): Maple Room A.

Grand Hall D


9:00am - Assistant's Panel. Moderator: Lisa Marie Guilfoyle. Speakers: Marco China, Emerson Coulter and Dain Mikulic. Transitioning to Superintendent Roles: Interview prep, virtual interviews, hearing no, regrouping and moving forward.

10:00am - BREAK

10:15am - Bill Green, Superintendent, Cutten Fields, Jeff Mingay, Golf Course Architect. Cutten Field Renovations.

11:15pm: Superintendent Panel - Cool Projects. Ian McQueen, Reid Solodan, Greg Greer discuss: Underground Cisterns, Vermi Composting, and Hosting the President's Cup.

12:15pm - Closing Remarks.

Grand Hall E
Maple Room A
Maple Room B