Speaker Series

Speaker Bios & Session Summaries.

Micah Woods

Micah Woods,  Ph.D.

Micah Woods established the Asian Turfgrass Center (ATC) in 2006 to develop and provide turfgrass information for the golf and sports turf industry. Through the ATC, he provides turfgrass advisory and soil testing services to golf clubs, sports facilities, and select clients around the world. Since 2009, he has been an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Tennessee. Since 2022, he has been director of the PACE Turf information service.

Micah manages to keep his eyes on the ground, studying the turfgrass species wherever he is in the world. He remains well grounded in the practical aspects of the golf game and his writing has been praised for its accessible style. Author of over two hundred articles in publications such as GOLF Magazine and Soil Science as well as books with intriguing titles like One Bucket at a Time and 芝草科学とグリーンキーピング: マイカの時間 The BOOK, Micah enjoys spending time creating animated charts and graphs of the data he has collected while discovering unexpected statistics.

Predicting, checking, and adjusting growth rate with clipping volume and growth potential

Tues, Feb 25, 2:30pm: Grand Hall D&E

Session Summary

Growth of the grass can be predicted based on temperature. I’ll explain how to use the temperature-based growth potential (GP) for that prediction, and how a rapid check of actual growth rate by clipping volume is linked to that. There is a link between expected growth (GP) and actual growth (ClipVol) that can be expressed as a single number. That is the growth versus expected growth, or TurfGvX. I’ll explain how these are useful, how they are linked, and how these metrics can be put to use to improve the control you have over your turf conditions no matter what type of weather comes your way.
Learning objectives:
- make use of temperature-based growth potential to predict growth and evaluate maintenance plans in the context of site-specific predicted growth
- understand how clipping volume provides an accurate measure of actual growth and apply the actual growth measurements to more efficient maintenance work
- implement improved growth control strategies by understanding the TurfGvX and the link between expected and actual growth
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Members, Guests, Championships & OM 2-4-6

With Chris Tritabaugh
Wed, Feb 26, 2:30pm: Grand Hall D&E

Session Summary

There’s no way to have consistently good playing conditions without organic material in the rootzone at a suitable level. We will show how measurement of the total organic material, using the OM246 method, can be used to develop an optimized management plan for the rootzone organic material at your facility. Specific examples and case studies related to everyday play, annual maintenance plans, and championship week playing conditions will be presented.

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