Speaker Bios & Session Summaries.

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 Matt Legg

Matthew Legg is the Technical Lead for Syngenta Professional Solutions, based out of Toronto, ON, where he leads all technical outreach, advanced troubleshooting, and product development on behalf of Syngenta Canada.  Before joining Syngenta, Matthew worked in a golf course setting, serving in the capacity of Director of Agronomy within the private golf sector.

Academically, Matthew holds a diploma in turfgrass management from the University of Guelph, along with his Bachelor of Science, in Turfgrass Science, from the Pennsylvania State University.

Outside of Syngenta Matthew provides educational outreach as a seasonal lecturer of Turfgrass Entomology, at the University of Guelph, where he educates up and coming Turf Managers about the biology, ecology and management of turf and landscape insect pests.

Harnessing the Power of PGRs

Wed, Feb 26, 3:30pm: Maple Room B

Session Summary

Join Matt Legg, Syngenta SPS Technical Lead, for a comprehensive presentation entitled "Harnessing the Power of PGRs”.  In this hour-long talk, Matt will delve into the world of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and their transformative impacts on managed turfgrass surfaces.

Key Topics of discussion will include:

  • Understanding existing and emerging PGR Active Ingredients within Canada. Matt will explore current registered options for PGR products, diving into their history and unique chemical attributes such as mode of action, formulation type(s) and plant hormonal effects.
  • With a foundation in active ingredients established, Matt will take listeners on an immersive journey into his 2024 Field Trials, demonstrating the physiological effects that each active ingredient can harness in both Creeping bentgrass and Poa annua when/where applied.

Session Goals:

  • Listeners will gain valuable insights into programming single or combined PGR active ingredients to best suite their turf stands and agronomic goals.
  • Matt will share his field trial observations to educate users on strengths, weaknesses and watch outs of all plant growth regulating active ingredients.
  • Attendees will leave well versed in proper selection, tank mixing, application, and timing of the active ingredients discussed.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from one of the industry's leading experts. Matt Legg's presentation promises to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to leverage PGRs effectively in their turf management practices in 2025 and beyond.

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