Speaker Series

Speaker Bios & Session Summaries.

Lisa HS OGSA2023-HS_149-LOWRES

Lisa Marie Guilfoyle, Assistants Panel Moderator

Lisa Marie Guilfoyle, an aspiring golf course superintendent, has been working in the industry for 24 years. A graduate of University of Guelph’s Turf Managers Short Course’s 50th year in 2019 and recipient of the Dr. Jack Eggens Award. Lisa has been a contributing member to the OGSA’s ONCourse committee, winning the Article of the Year Award in 2022. Along with being an active supporter to the Women in Golf movement, she is a passionate turf manager that continually seeks knowledge, skills and experiences that enhance her personal and professional growth.

Assistant Superintendent Focused Panel Discussion

Thurs, Feb 27, 9am: Grand Hall D

Session Summary

Join Marco China, Superintendent, Deer Ridge GC; Emerson Coulter, Superintendent at KenWo Golf Club; Dain Mikulic Superintendent at Carrying Place Golf & Country Club as they discuss their experiences transitioning from Assistant Superintendents to Superintendents. 

They'll discuss strategies to prep for interviews, the pros and cons of virtual interviews, and other realities of propelling your career forward. 

Moderator: Lisa Marie Guilfoyle.


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