Speaker Series

Speaker Bios & Session Summaries.

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Katerina Jordan, Ph.D.

Dr. Katerina Jordan is an Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, where she has been conducting research in plant pathology and nematology since she began in 2005. Her research has focused on fungal and nematode pathogens of turfgrass, hops, cucumber, strawberries, hazelnut, ginseng, and potato. Her research goal is to find sustainable methods of disease management through the use of cultural and biological practices. She teaches courses in plant agriculture, biological control of plant diseases, and IPM to diploma, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as certificate students in turfgrass management. She also oversees the Turfgrass Diagnostic Clinic housed on the University of Guelph campus.

Take All Patch - What We Know May Not Be the Full Story

Wed, Feb 26, 9am: Grand Hall E

Session Summary

This session will discuss observations over the last nearly 20 years of take-all patch incidence throughout Canada. Information on casual agents, conducive conditions for each and recommended management will be presented. Past and current research on this devasting disease will also be discussed along with some insight work into the work being done in our laboratory.

Learning Objectives:

Have a good understanding of the casual agents of take all patch of creeping bentgrass turf

Implement various management recommendations for take all patch disease

Understand the importance of good turf and soil health to prevent take all patch symptoms and turf damage from the disease

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